Now when you first get into the game there will seem like there are a million things going on all at once. You'll see unicorns and rainbows to flying turkey dinners zooming right pass your little kitty. It's okay, none of those do a single thing other than look pretty. In fact Techno Kitten is probably one of the simplest games you will ever play. Only one button is used for the entire game. With the A button you let your kitty fly higher, letting go of it lets him fall to the ground. With these advanced controls the kitten must dodge shapes, just plain old white shapes. Although there may be dragons and bacon flying around the area they are nothing more than a distraction. Actually that's the challenge of the game, not getting distracted by everything going on. The game keeps track of how far you get by the score it keeps. The higher the score on a particular level the more cats you unlock. I don't believe the kittens do anything other than look different, though some are more useful than others because they are easier to see against the backgrounds. Each level follows a different music track and has it's own unique theme. Everything gets more intense as the song continues on. Techno Kitten features four levels.
I personally have enjoyed Techno Kitten Adventure, and it's not just because of all the cats. I enjoy weird, crazy games. The more I play it the more I like it. It's a fun game to show off to friends. However, it really isn't much of a game. If you stripped away all the effects, music, and graphics this wouldn't be much of a game at all. Also at times it's practically impossible to tell what is going on. When the shapes and your kitty match the background it can begin to get a bit frustrating. After a while you will get used to everything going on and the game gets easier. Although all the levels have a lot of hectic mayhem happening all around the screen, none of them match up to the craziness of the meat level. The meat level makes everything else look simple in comparison and is the only stage to really offer anything different.
Techno Kitten Adventure! is one insane trip. But at 240 microsoft points I don't know if I can really recommend buying the game. The only stage that really stands out besides the first trial level is the meat pack. I do think everyone should download the trial though just to experience some of the crazy action the game has to offer.
Techno Kitten Adventure can haz 2/4.
Well written review thanks.